Rehabilitate in the comfort of your home avoiding the long and inconvenient travel to and from the therapist. If you were injured in an auto accident and suffer from neck pain, ask your physician about the CerviFit® home therapy alternative. If you require assistance or have questions, email our patient advocacy group at
• Overall, there was a 28% improvement in tensile strength in the compliant patients with 57% (25 people) experiencing an average 40% improvement.
• The average reduction on the Oswestry Index Scale was 8 points with 70% converted from moderate to mild disability.
• The VAS (Visual Analog Scale) was decreased from 7 to 3.5 on average, though the maximum pain during an exacerbation was reduced by 2 points in the majority of patients.
• All the compliant patients continued to use the CerviFit device at the completion of the study. Most stayed at the 1-to-2-pound weights.
• There were no injuries or complications with the device. Initially a few had recurrence of their pain as they did not understand the principle, technique, or follow the proper exercise instructions of the program.